The Last Of Our England

I was never a royalist and I am still not. I tend to think England has a rich enough history and culture to be able to stand on its own two feet, without being propped up by an outdated ideal. Reduced, some might say, to a living old-world theme park for the rest of the world, especially America
“Inherited importance” is the crown jewel of the class system- although I tend to think a system based on breeding probably has more about it, than a system based on merely wealth.

All that being said, the passing of Queen Elizabeth, leaves a sad gap in the British psyche.
In a way, it really is the last of our England- “our” being those from a certain age, span in history and value system (please note this has nothing to do with skin colour)

If Elizabeth was the bridge from Empire to modern Britain, then now she has gone so has the bridge.
We are now firmly in the modern world, where Englishness, at least the kind I am connected to, is almost entirely gone.
You may find the odd, throwback here and there, in a small village in Devon or something but beyond that, it’s nowhere to be seen
In fact, “Englishness” is almost entirely a hated notion by large swaths of England.

Orwell pointed out in his 1941 essay England Your England “It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during ‘God save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box.”

Sadly, the thoughts that only swirled around half-lite, dusty rooms of academe in the 40s, are now, very much the thoughts of the “right on”, university brigade up and down the British Isles.
It’s gotten so bad, that for the last 20 years or so, London the nation’s capital, no longer thinks of itself as part of England. Lots of the people who live in the city, look down sneering at the rest of the country. Thinking they are enlightened. Thinking they are part of a world city detached from the rest of the country and its history, apart from the country’s values and codes

You only had to read social media around the time of Brexit to see how bad it got.
Lots actually said things like ” I want London to be its own country and stay a part of Europe. I think of myself as European not English, let the rest of the country fend for itself ”

Orwell, again shows that this mindset isn’t anything new, it’s simply more widespread now. In his essay I mentioned above he says “In intention, at any rate, the English intelligentsia are Europeanized.
They take their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow. In the general patriotism of the country, they form a sort of island of dissident thought. England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles, it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution”

In my experience, the people in London with these views are, rarely “Real Londoners”- That is to say, the people who were born and bruised in London.
It’s nearly always people who moved to London from another part of the country. These people, at times, have a certain self-hatred and tormenting inner shame (ironically quite an English quality)

It’s like the moment they got off the train at Kings Cross, they suddenly became different people.
When they got on the train, they were shy students from Dudley but when they got off the train they had turned into Laurance Llewelyn-Bowen.
Once in London, they wanted nothing to do with the towns that made them – this is because they probably do not want to be reminded of who they actually are.
Moving to London for many is about reinvention. Thus, when one has built oneself up as a regal world citizen who lives and breathes culture, with avant-garde DNA It isn’t helpful to be reminded that one was actually raised in a rented house on a council estate. With a family whose idea of culture was going to the pub every weekend and watching Blankety Blank

Those in England (not to mention from around the World) who loath the notion of “Englishness” and who mock anyone who dares to be “proud” of their country, wasted little time with providing a now-to-be-expected, plethora of pathetically nasty Tweets- from attention-seeking journalists, university staff members and adult children, among others.
YouTube had a rash of “influencers” who made petty videos about her death for “clout”.
The common thread among nearly all these snide remarks was a, almost, complete and utter lack of knowledge about English history and what the Queen had done during her reign.

Some of the more clueless pop culture fans posted their Sex Pistols “Good Save The Queen” and Smith’s “Queen Is Dead” videos and record covers. Each one priding themselves on being independent-minded while showing instantly that they were utterly unoriginal
Most of them got it wrong, thinking both John Lydon and Morrissey (singers with the before-mentioned bands ) were attacking the Queen personally. If there is a point, you can always trust this kind of person to miss it.
They do not have the intellect to see the Sex Pistols were rabble-rousers attacking a system and Smiths delivered a work of art that mixed a state of the nation address and a more personal comment about dealing with one’s gender/sexuality – in short, it’s just as much about “A” Queen, as it is “The” Queen
John Lydon (the only real “Punk”) made this view explicit by posting a Comment on social media giving his heartfelt condolence to Elizabeth. John you see has always been a thoroughly decent and principled man.

Thankfully, the noise from the hateful was almost entirely drowned out by report after report of people praising the Queen. There was lots of footage of grown men and women crying in the street and during interviews because she had gone.
To me, there seemed to be widespread understanding that when Queen died, so did an era – similar to when David Bowie died.

It’s often said, “The past is a country you can never return to”. With the passing of Queen Elizabeth, I fear England is also. Yes, you can stand on the land but that land, maybe, all that is left


What will happen tomorrow?

Nobody, knows…BUT one tomorrow, you bet your last dollar, somebody will go

This time it was Ronnie.

The Ronettes, were, almost the perfect girl band, attitude, looks and fantastic songs.

They even managed to produce a Christmas LP that was so good, you could listen to it in June

Their songs were like teenage mini drive-in movies and in turn, their songs seemed to have been used in countless films.

For me, they seemed more “street” than the rest of the girl bands. hip and pretty, nobodies pushovers

At the point in time, When the Ronettes arrived, it seemed like only America produced, such savvy women.
Ronnie was the stylish focal point of the band, the leader of the gang. .. She manages, to make any photo dramatic, simply by being in it.

She will be missed.

Phil Spector, Los Angeles CA, Gold Star Studios. With Veronica Bennett (Ronnie Spector).

Look Away, From Don’t Look Up

On Christmas eve I sat down to watch Netflix and their much-hyped self made film Don’t Look UP.
The cast was good enough… Leonardo, Jennifer and Meryl gave stable performances and Cate Blanchett stole the show.
I thought it was ok but it’s a bit overrated, no?

Yes, we get it… A comet coming to wipe out Earth is an allegory for the environment, the truth sayers battle the naysayers. Human life is so basic people chase “clout” rather than meaning or even love

They would deny the truth and get in the way of saving the world, simply for ratings

Nearly every adult is lost, unfulfilled..

They grew up, got a job, knocked out some kids, became the king of their castle, But then the pack leave home, and noisy house, now empty home..Sitting by a phone that never rings, staring desperate and lost at digital screens. . Ripe for manipulation.

Meanwhile…Teens can smell the desperation on adults BUT they gave up on revolution, “Too many snags”: as David pointed out.

So, they skate around and they get stoned…

Metaphor, analogy, allegory, hang as obvious as nooses hanging humans from light fittings in Calgary

The Omni Con

“Hey Doc
Nobody gives a toss about covid, anymore, it’s so 2020, people are French kissing in the street, you know with tongues and everything.
How do we control them and get them to stay in…?
We tried The commie China covid …Nodoy cared
We tried calling one Delta,it sounded forceful D E L T A.Nobody cared
We gotta make this one good, how about we call it “Omicron”, it sounds just like a supervillain from a Marvel comic..
Then we should say it comes from black Africa and to make it extra scary say it comes from an aids victim”

Remember kids
Omicron is an anagram forMoronic

This author is not anti-vax, I do not think Covid was a conspiracy, as such.
However, I did say in January of 2020 that the virus probably came from a lab in China- I was treated like a mad man and called racist. and had social media comments taken down.. However, NOW most people accept it came from there. Where is the apology for those of us who dared to be right?

I did also say that although Covid wasn’t a conspiracy, as such .. I did think there was a cover-up ( there was there still is.
Watch how the attention-seeking Mr Fauci acts and how he tries to wriggle and worm his way out of his connection with the Wuhan lab and redefine the definition of ” Gain Of Function”
It’s pretty clear the virus has been used as a control method.

Lots of us did our bit, we had our two jabs ..We were told that’s all we needed and once the link between death and covid was broken, “normal ” life would return …No more masks, we could travel the world and the seven seas.
That hasn’t happened

As I type its been announced that there is gonna be a mandate that everyone in New York who works in the public sector will have to have the third jab if they want to work .
Millions are forced into having the jab, if they want to be able to earn money.
How long until this mandate spreads around America and jumps to the UK

In short, when will it end?

Beat The Clock

I just watched a documentary about being a Mod and various other British Youth cults.

As much as I like some of the art and people that come from these subcultures, I personally could never sign myself up and be a member.

It all just seemed so limited, shoehorning yourself into a way of life. In a way its not a universe away from joining the army – men often need that feeling of being in a gang, a movement and creating some sense of purpose.. Which is usually fake , once you get out a pen ,paper and ontological microscope to study it .

All, that said , it became clear to me the other day , that if pressed I would have to admit the philosophy , look , feel and art of the Beat movement was something I related to hugely, as a teen. In fact I only let go of its hand about 12 years ago – I’m aware to be “hip” you have to pretend you are above the Beats and see through them, you have to say you much prefer the French Left Bank writers and that, frankly, you think On The Road is childish boys games. Such is life.

I guess, “Beat” is something you is or isn’t there isn’t much you can do about it. Bit like being homosexual in a way.

To be “Beat”, isn’t about going on a gap year before going on to Uni or touring Europe or America when you are in your teens/early 20s (as romantic as that is) and then living in London or NY city for the rest of your days…..A provincialist with a city a view form your kitchen window.

Nope, to be “Beat” is to be a full time adventurer (the art is a byproduct of that) ..Movement is premaritally forward and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

The end

Seattle Blue Collar Stories

Last day of working with Seattle’s blue-collar ..Before returning to the land of remote administration Have to say it was an amusing mix of On The Buses, Mind Your Language and Tucker Carlson

These people, EVERY day, on EVERY break, would trash any left-leaning idea while showing they live in the land of total conspiracy-this is coming from someone who is critical of the modern “left”

I haven’t worked with “everyday people” for a while and to my horror found a number of white folk in the US now speak as if they are making Twatter updates- that’s to say a series of short rants in place of actual conversation.

One man, Mr Bombay was so anti-Muslim and Pro-Trump , every time he spoke I heard “ Thou doth Protest too much “

Another guy, Mr Hong Kong, was truly lost to the land of Youtube conspiracy theories. One day, swat team vans sped by, he said, more than once “ That’s the Democrats trying to take our guns away” – ie this is a pretend event to scare Americans to give up guns.

Then we had Mr Polish and his Tommy Robson rants – he ( like a number of Tommy’s lot) was deeply against homosexuality, which confirmed what I always thought when certain gays show “firm” support for Tommy, believe me if it was up to this lot the gays would be not too far under the Muslims on their “ Rid the country of… “ list.

Speaking of which there were one or two decent People I met, Mr BeardedQueen,. 26 and recently married. He had a fondness for mushrooms and was funny and Win, a 21-year-old student from Vietnam. Win, is 6ft and teenage thin, with flawless Asian skin and trendy jet black side-parted hair. His family owns three homes in SF and a nightclub in ‘Nam. He said, “ That is their money, I must make my own”. He also said, one day, he may create a site called “Winbay” ….. Which for some reason I found hilarious

In all, it was kinda scary to see, how far the tentacles of lies reach into the publics mindsI actually half-expected , one of the workers to come to work with a machine gun and spray bullets into our bodies

The Tale Of The Tape

Shannon Lee, daughter of Bruce Lee has wrtitten a column stating “white men” should stop telling her fathers story .
Now, I understand her frustration..If she feels her father is being attacked, she jumps to his defence,
However, to say “white men” in the way she has is the definiton of racism, odd as her mother is also white.

The things is Bruce Lee’s daughter would be the definition of ” privileged ” Not to mention, yes sure if Jews, Blacks, and to some extend Muslims say this kind of stuff , its understandable they have all been kept down in one way or other for 100s of years BUT the Chinese ( a culture I have always liked, generally speaking) have a worse human rights history than most white countries – to this day..

Look how they treat women , workers and Muslims and of course the lies around the pandemic

Now, getting to the point at hand the white man Shannon is talking about is Quentin Tarantino. Now, sure Quentin can be mouthy, he can be shallow , his films are a stranger to depth, largely speaking….He tends to be someone who speaks a good game BUT the truth of him doesn’t quite match up, a bit like Russell Brand.

However, he is 100% correct about what he says regarding the truth behind the TV series Kung Fu.

I was/am a huge fan of the show and of Bruce Lee. For a while, I believed the myth, that is to say Buce wrote the show , took it to Warner Bros, they turned it down , then turned it out with a different actor, one David Carradine .
This I soon discovered was a lie . The tale of the tape, shows the truth, click here for more detail . Ed Spielman wrote/produced the show, they wanted Bruce to be involved , at one point, but the person Bruce spoke to, couldn’t understand what he was saying .. So , Bruce was passed on . The irony is it was Bruce who based his story Warror on Ed’s show.

As I say, I am a fan of Bruce Lee and I don’t see that any of this takes away from Bruce , the man or the myth.
The reason for this is Bruce achieved so much and reamins an important figure in film, TV, Martial Arts history and pop culture in general
Also, and this is key …It wasnt Bruce that claimed he wrote the TV show Kung Fu, it was his wife in Linda Lee, in a book she wrote about Bruce.



Fairweather Friends

I was never really into Friends BUT I wasn’t a Friends hater , it was what it was ..Well meaning, well crafted light entertainment. Anyway, the cast break up and go out into the show biz world…Some surviving better than others

The decades pass..Now suddenly along comes a “Reunion” show for HBO MAX. To many this is an exciting moment, Friends was hugely successful and birthed millions of hardcore fans.

However, as science states, every action causes a reaction..Thus, to counter the ocean of love for the show, comes an ice age of hate. The reason given, for not meeting todays moral, social standards and. of course, the examples they give are so daft..

“Chandler Kept being worried about being gay” – they say this shows he was anti gay . Fine, in 2021 that kinda storyline MAY border on using “gay” in a pejorative way.

But I say, so what .. .Do we all have to want to be gay now? Do we have to pretend some people who are gay would rather not be gay and do we have to pretend, Hetero males aren’t at times, comically terrified of becoming gay. These are facts of life, its better to laugh at them that to pretend we are more emotionally sophisticated than we are

It has been argued that pop culture has become SO gay , its completely shallow and lacking. . I don’t fully agree with that BUT there is room for agreement in aspects. More than that though and this is whats worrying me..

The show wasn’t being homophobic in the least,It was anti being anti gay, the joke WAS ON Chandlers character for being so up tight and worried about being gay..THAT WAS THE JOKE Even 8 year olds in the 90s, saw this was a joke .. The fact adults don’t is scary.

WE live in idiot Times

Green Card – A short story long

In 2016 my wife and I decided enough is enough and fled the UK We did so with an embarrassment of funds.
In fact all we had was 3 months rent paid and 3k, 1.5k of which had to be used on a visa application
On top of that , we arrived with no jobs and ONLY my Wife could legally work for the first 5 months.

Not one immigration forum or lawyer ( some of which wanted over 10k) thought I would get a green card, due to a light police charge with a serious drug, in the 90s.

Basically, the stack was stacked against us .
Thus, I worked illegally and came up with a plan based on delay.
The trouble with this was I couldn’t leave the country and employers didn’t want to risk employing someone who’s visa needed to be reviewed each year .

This was fine for the first few years, I was living (at last) under a Hockney blue Californian sky, why go anywhere else?
However, after 4 years being on house arrest, even if the house is the whole of the USA , I needed to force immigration’s hand and so I did and they replied by denying my visa (Prats!)

Even though the denial was part of the plan, by this time I was pandemic tied, worn out and depressed, basically I thought “ Sod this”…

Suddenly comes the sound of trumpets and from stage left in flies Cross Reference Krissy (my Wife) ….
Krissy, who until this point hadn’t had anything to do with the visa application, beyond signing a few forms,.took over.
Amazingly, she managed to find a lawyer for FREE who agreed with my legal assertion and agreed to represent me.
Mainly the lawyer (and Krissy) did this by taking my files and said legal assertion and stripping my statements of an air of a pompous, mental patient and putting it all in a more professional legal setting

Only 4 months after having my application denied, an email arrived stating they had changed their mind and they are granting me a Green Card

At last I feel free…

Baynard Rustin

Years before Rosa Parks refused give up her seat , Bayard Rustin did it first…He was  a prominant voice in the Civil Rights movement and chief organiser of the march on Washington with MLK , in-spite of this Bayard was written out of black history , almost, completely..This was mainly because he was gay .. Also he didn’t see every problem as a “black” and “white” issue.
He was interested with truth NOT with political game playing and getting a story in The Guardian .

He was a socialist , in an old school way, and wouldn’t have joined the “identity politics ” , “cancel culture ” mob of today (like many on the old left)…. He said limiting the freedom of one race, in the end limits it for all- he would have been at odds with BLM and ANTIFA , in a few ways.

He loathed “white liberal syndrome” …He felt the left , via their forcing forever victimdom on blacks .. Were patronising and only doing it for moral absolution. He could see how it limited the black persons reach
I’d never heard of Baynard before…Until a black lady from Georgia told me about him last last week when she asked me what my thoughts were on the recent troubles,..She said “Read Byard Rustin , he was saying the all stuff you are saying years ago, honey ..You would like him”

She was right I do.

